In case you haven't noticed, or don't have a twitter, I made a NG Logo design, and it looked like this.
and when I tagged Tom Fulp, He replied. My heart sank at the mere thought of someone as big as Tom, the man who created one of the biggest platforms for creators, to reply to someone so small as me, that changed everything. And just like that, In a mere amount of minutes, Likes and Retweets flooded in, It seemed like everyone loved it, yet I don't like some parts of it, Cause of the errors I placed in by accident while making it. Some spots are transparent, if you have a good eye, you'll probably notice it. But for sure, it was a success. I plan to do more for this design, so it still has the same look as the old, but given the modern twist that it has now.
Stay tuned for that. However, I need to say this to those who liked this - Thank you so much. I never knew that a redesign like this was so major and good-looking to where almost everyone appreciated it. It warms my heart.
Expect more content soon!
As simple as this is, it still looks really nice. Definitely an upgrade from the old one.